.Fujiwara M, Matsushita Y, Maeba Y, Suzuki A, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y: Free posterior interosseous artery flap for treatment of first web space contracture: Methods of venous anastomosis. Archives of Hand and Microsurgery. 2019 in press
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Ohta Y, Okada E, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y: Elevation of Thin Pudendal Artery Flap Using Fat Thickness Data in Vulvovaginal Reconstruction. Indian Journal of Surgery, 1-7, 10.1007/s12262-019-01913-4
Mizukami T, Ota Y, Okamura J, Yamatodani T, Hosokawa S, Fukamizu H: Reconstruction of temporal bone defects: Consideration for use of the submental island flap and temporalis muscle flap. B-ENT (in press).
Yamaguchi T, Fujiwara M, Aoshima M, Senoo A, Matsushita Y, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y: Rapid growth of scalp melanoma in a pediatric patient. J Dermatol. 2018 Aug 14. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.14589.
Nagata T, Miura K, Homma Y, Fukamizu H:Comparison between negative-pressure fixation and film dressing in wound management after tissue expansion: A randomized controlled trial. Plast Reconstr Surg 142(1):37-41, 2018.
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Kasuya A, Shimauchi T, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y:Lymphatic transit rate as a predictive parameter for nodal metastasis in primary limb malignant melanoma. J Dermatol Sci 90:27-34, 2018.
Ogai N, Nonaka I, Toda1 Y, Ono T, Minegishi S, Inou A, Hachiya M, Fukamizu H:Enhanced immunity in intradermal vaccination by novel hollow microneedles. Skin Res Technol 24(4):630-635, 2018.
Sakamoto K, Ito T, Tanioka F, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y:Primary signet-ring cell/histiocytoid carcinoma of the eyelid expressing androgen receptors and treated with bicalutamide. J Dermatol 2017;44(9):e230-e231.
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y:Successful treatment of postburn flexion contracture in fingers of early childhood with dynamic splint therapy after operation: long-term follow-up. Eur J Plast Surg. 2017. In press
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Senoo A, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y:Evaluation of positron emission tomography imaging to detect lymph node metastases in patients with extramammary Paget's disease.J Dermatol. 2017;44:939-943.
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y. Successful treatment of postburn flexion contracture in fingers of early childhood with dynamic splint therapy after operation: long-term follow-up. Eur J Plast Surg. 2017. doi: 10.1107/s00238-017-1288-9.
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Takiguchi T, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y: Evaluation of positron emission tomography imaging to detect lymph node metastases in patients with high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J Dermatol. 43:1314-1320,2016
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Senoo A, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y. Evaluation of positron emission tomography imaging to detect lymph node metastases in patients with extramammary Paget's disease.J Dermatol. 44:939-943, 2017.
深水秀一、水上高秀、石川佳代子:Step by Step で進める腋臭症・腋窩多汗症治療、形成外科 59:S115-120, 2016
Ishikawa K, Fukamizu H, Takiguchi T, Ohta Y, Tokura Y:Application of a three-microneedle device for the delivery of local anesthetics. Patient Preference and Adherence 9(4):1-4, 2015.
Fujiwara M, Suzuki T, Takiguchi T, Fukamizu H, Tokura Y: Lymphatic transit rate as a novel predictive parameter for nodal metastasis in primary truncal skin cancers.J Dermatol. 43(2):170-174, 2016
Fukamizu H, Fujiwara M, Mizukami T, Nagata T:Intraoperative evaluation of flap circulation by ICG fluorescence angiography in the breast reconstruction with pedicled TRAM frap. in ICG Fluorescence Imaging and Navigation Surgery. Kusano M,Kokudo N, Toi M, Kaibori M eds. Chapter 21, pp241-252, Springer, 2016.
Fujiwara M, Sawada M, Kasuya A, Matsushita Y, Yamada M, Fukamizu H, Magata Y, Tokura Y,Sakahara H: Measurement of cutaneous lymphatic flow rates in patients with skin cancer: area extraction method. J Dermatol 41(9):498-504, 2014.
Takiguchi T, Morizane S, Yamamoto T, Kajita A, Ikeda K, Iwatsuki K. Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide LL-37 augments interferon-β expression and antiviral activity induced by double-stranded RNA in keratinocytes. Br J Dermatol. 171(3):492-498, 2014.
瀧口徹也、山崎 修、牧野麻貴、佐伯恭昌、藤井伸治、濱田和俊、岩月啓氏: 多発転移に伴い血小板減少を合併した頭部血管肉腫の1例. Skin Cancer 29(3):323-327, 2014.
Mizukami T, Fujiwara M, Ishikawa K, Aoyama S, Fukamizu H: Reconstruction for extensive groin hidradenitis suppurativa using a combination of inferior abdominal flap and medial thigh-lift: a case report. Aesth Plast Surg 38:745-748, 2014.