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Sakao Y, Sugimoto M, Ichikawa H, Sahara S, Tsuji T, Ohashi N, Kato A, Fujigaki Y, Sugimoto K, Furuta T, Sakao T, Yasuda H. Severity of gastric mucosal atrophy is the major determinant of plasma ghrelin level in hemodialysis patients. Am J Nephrol, 44(3):224-233, 2016.
Isobe S, Ohashi N, Ishigaki S, Tsuji T, Sakao Y, Kato A, Miyajima H, Fujigaki Y, Nishiyama A, Yasuda H. Augmented circadian rhythm of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin systems in anti-thymocyte serum nephritis rats. Hypertens Res, 39(5): 312-320, 2016.
Ishigaki S, Ohashi N, Isobe S, Tsuji N, Iwakura T, Ono M, Sakao Y, Tsuji T, Kato A, Miyajima H, Yasuda H. Impaired endogenous nighttime melatonin secretion relates to intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activation and renal damage in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin Exp Nephrol, 20(6): 878-884, 2016.
Ohashi N, Isobe S, Ishigaki S, Suzuki T, Iwakura T, Ono M, Fujikura T, Tsuji T, Otsuka A, Ishii Y, Furuse H, Kato A, Ozono S, Yasuda H. Plasma soluble (pro)renin receptor reflects renal damage. PLoS One, 11(5): e0156165, 2016.
Ohashi N, Isobe S, Ishigaki S, Suzuki T, Motoyama D, Sugiyama T, Nagata M, Kato A, Ozono S, Yasuda H. The effects of unilateral nephrectomy on blood pressure and its circadian rhythm. Intern Med, 55(23): 3427-3433, 2016.
Ichikawa H, Sugimoto M, Sakao Y, Sahara S, Ohashi N, Kato A, Sugimoto K, Furuta T, Andoh A, Sakao T, Yasuda H. Relationship between ghrelin, Helicobacter pylori and gastric mucosal atrophy in hemodialysis patients. World J Gastroenterol, 22(47): 10440-10449, 2016.
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2. 症例報告
Akihiko Kato, Takako Takita, Mitsuyoshi Furuhashi, Hypersensitivity reactions to acetate in the bicarbonate dialysate in a patient undergoing pre-dilution online hemodiafiltration, CEN Case Rep 5, 31-33, 2016
Iwakura T, Fujigaki Y, Katahashi N, Sato T, Ishigaki S, Tsuji N, Naito Y, Isobe S, Ono M, Sakao Y, Tsuji T, Ohashi N, Kato A, Miyajima H, Yasuda H, Membranous nephropathy with an enhanced granular expression of thrombospondin type-1 domain-containing 7A in a pregnant woman. Intern Med, 55, 2663-2668, 2016