Furuta T, Sugimoto S, Kodaira C, Nishino M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Kagami T, Iwaizumi M, Hamaya Y, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Umemura K. Infruence of low-dose proton pump inhibitors administered concomitantly or separately on the anti-platelet function of clopidogrel. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2017 43: 333-342
Nagahashi K, Umemura K, Kanayama N, Iwaki T. Successful synthesis of active human coagulation factor VII by co-expression of mammalian gamma-glutamyl carboxylase and modification of vit.K cycle in Drosophila Schneider S2 cells. Cytotechnology. 2017 69, 317-327
Iwaki T, Nagahashi K, Takano K, Suzuki-Inoue K, Kanayama N, Umemura K, Urano T. Mutation in a highly conserved glycine residue in strand 5B of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 causes polymerisation. Thromb Haemost. 2017 117, 860-869.
Tanaka H, Zaimad N, Sasakie T, Yamamotoa N, Inuzuka K, Yata T, Iwaki T, Umemura K, Sano H, Suzuki Y, Urano T, Setou M, Unno N. Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase-3 expression is associated with atherosclerosis progression. J Vasc Res 2017 54, 200-208.
Kagami T, Yamade M, Suzuki T, Uotani T, Hamaya Y, Iwaizumi M, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Umemura K, Miyajima H, Furuta T. Comparative study of effects of vonoprazan and esomeprazole on anti-platelet function of clopidogrel or prasugrel in relation to CYP2C19 genotype. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2017 in press
Tanaka H, Iida Y, Iwaki T, Suzuki Y, Sano H, Miyajima C, Zaima N, Sasaki T, Sumioka A, Hakamata S, Shimizu H, Umemura K, Urano T. Elevated plasma level of LDL-cholesterol promotes thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection in angiotensin II-induced mice. Ann Vasc Surg 2017 in press
Umemura K, Iwaki T, Kimura T, Ogawa C, Fukuda T, Taniguchi S, Horibe K, Goto H, Yoshimura K, Watanabe Y, Nitani C, and Kikuta A. Pharmacokinetics and safety of defibrotide in healthy Japanese subjects. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2016 5: 548-551
Umemura K, Iwaki T, The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of prasugrel and clipidogrel in healthy Japanese volunteers. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2016 5: 480-487
Umemura K, Ikeda Y, Kondo K, Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of presugrel in healthy Japanese subjects. DMPK 2016. 31:285-91
Umemura K, Ikeda Y, Matsushima N, ond Kondo K, Platelet Aggregation Inhibitory Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Prasugrel Used in Combination With Aspirin in Healthy Japanese Subjects. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2016 doi: 10.1002/cpdd.308.
Iwaki T, Mizuma H, Hokamura K, Onoe H, Umemura K. [18F]FDG uptake in the aortic wall smooth muscle of atherosclerotic plaques in the simian atherosclerosis model. Biomed Res. Int. 2016 dol: 10.1155/2016/8609274
Furuta T, Sugimoto S, Kodaira C, Nishino M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Kagami T, Iwaizumi M, Hamaya y, Osawa S, SugimotoK, Umemura K, Infruence of low-dose proton pump inhibitors administered concomitantly or separately on the anti-platelet function of clopidogrel. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2016 doi: 10.1007/s11239-016-1460-2.
Suzuki Y, Nagai N, Umemura K, A Review of the Mechanisms of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability by Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Treatment for Cerebral Ischemia. Front Cell Neurosci. 2016. doi: 10.3389
Suzuki Y, Nagai N, Yamakawa K, Muranaka Y, Hokamura K, Umemura K. Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator transiently enhances blood-brain barrier permeability during cerebral ischemia through vascular endothelial growth factor-mediated endothelial endocytosis in mice. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2015 35: 2021-31
Makino H, Hokamura K, Natsume T, Kimura T, Kamio Y, Magata Y, Namba H, Katoh T, Sato S, Hashimoto T, Umemura K. Successful serial imaging of the mouse cerebral arteries using conventional 3-T magnetic resonance imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2015 35: 1523-7
Inoue O, Hokamura K, Shirai T, Osada M, Tsukiji N, Hatakeyama K, Umemura K, Asada Y, Suzuki-Inoue K, Ozaki Y. Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Stimulate Platelets and Facilitate Thrombus Formation through Platelet CLEC-2: Implications in Atherothrombosis. PLoS One. 2015.10: e0139357.
Arai H, Umemura K, Ichimiya Y, Iseki E, Eto K, Miyakawa K, Kirino E, Shibata N, Baba H, Tsuchiwata S. Safety and pharmacokinetics of bapineuzumab in a single ascending-dose study in Japanese patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2015 35: 2021-31.
Matsumoto Y and Umemura K. Chapter 4. Photochemically Induced Endothelial Injury. Mouse Models of Vascular Diseases (Editors: Sata, Masataka). pp.69-86
Furuta T, Sugimoto M, Kodaira C, Nishino M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Watanabe H, Umemura K. Sitafloxacin-based third-line rescue regimens for Helicobacter pylori infection in Japan. J Gastroen Hepatol. 29, 487-93, 2014
Furuta T, Sugimoto M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Yamada T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Watanabe H, Umemura K. Effect of Dosing Schemes of Amoxicillin on Eradication Rates of Helicobacter pylori With Amoxicillin Based Triple Therapy. J Clin Pharcol 54, 258-66. 2014
Furuta T, Sugimoto M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Kagami T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Watanabe H, Umemura K. Eradication of H. pylori Infection in Patients Allergic to Penicillin Using Triple Therapy with a PPI, Metronidazole and Sitafloxacin. Internal Med 53, 571-5. 2014.
Uotani T, Sugimoto M, Nishino M, Ichikawa H, Sahara S, Yamade M, Iwaizumi M, Yamada T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Umemura K, Watanabe H, Miyajima H, Furuta T. Prevention of gastric mucosal injury induced by anti-platelet drugs by famotidine. J Clin Pharmacol. 54, 858-64, 2014
Iwaki S, Hokamura K, Ogawa M Takehara Y, Muramatsu Y Yamane T, Hirabayashi K, Morimoto Y, Hagisawa K, Nakahara K, Mineno T, Terai T, Komatsu T, Ueno T, Tamura K, Adachi Y, Hirat Y, Arita M, Arai H, Umemura K, Nagano T and Hanaoka K. Design Strategy for Small Molecule-based Targeted MRI Contrast Agents: Application for Detection of Atherosclerotic Plaques. Org Biomol Chem 12, 8564-8784. 2014
Kawano k, Umemura k. Oral Intake of Beet Extract Provides Protection Against Skin Barrier Impairment in Hairless Mice. Phytother Res. 27, 775-83, 2013
Nagahashi K, Umemura K, Kanayama N, Iwaki T. Fusion of fluorescent protein to puromycin N-acetyltransferase is useful in Drosophila Schneider S2 cells expressing heterologous proteins. Cytotechnology 65; 173-8, 2013
Furuta T, Soya Y, Sugimoto M, Nishino M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Kodaira C, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Yamada T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Maekawa M, Watanabe H, Umemura K. Rapid Automated Genotyping of CYP2C19 and Helicobacter pylori 23S rRNA Gene in Gastric Juice. J Gastroen Hepatol 21; 508-512. 2013
Sugimoto M, Uotani T, Nishino M, Yamade M, Sahara S, Yamada T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Umemura K, Watanabe H, Miyajima H, Furuta T. Antiplatelet drugs are a risk factor for esophageal mucosal injury. Digestion. 87; 281-9. 2013
Nishino M, Sugimoto M, Uotani T, Yamade M, Sahara S, Ichikawa H, Sugimoto K, Umemura K, Watanabe H, Miyajima H, Furuta T. Association of gastric mucosal injury severity with platelet function and gastric pH during low-dose aspirin treatment. Digestion. 88, 79-86. 2013
Sahara S, Sugimoto M, Uotani T, Ichikawa H, Yamade M, Iwaizumi M, Yamada T, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Umemura K, Miyajima H, Furuta T. Twice-daily dosing of esomeprazole effectively inhibits acid secretion in CYP2C19 rapid metabolizers compared with twice-daily omeprazole, rabeprazole, or lansoprazole. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 38, 1129-37. 2013
Furuta T, Sugimoto M, Kodaira C, Nishino M, Yamade M, Uotani T, Sahara S, Osawa S, Sugimoto K, Watanabe H, Umemura K. Sitafloxacin-based third-line rescue regimens for Helicobacter pylori infection in Japan. J Gastroen Hepatol 2013