Hariyama T, "The "NanoSuit" for the observation of living and wet organisms in an electronmicroscope", IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2017 (ICSJ2017), Kyoto (Japan), 2017.11.
Hariyama T, "Observation of Living Organism in an Electron Microscope Using the "Nanosuit" Method", BIT's 7th Annual World Congress of Nano Science &Technology (Nano S&T-2017) , Fukuoka (Japan), 2017.10.
針山孝彦, 「生物電子顕微鏡技術の新展開とバイオミメティクスデータベースにむけたデータジャーナル化」, 17-3バイオミメティクス研究会, 名古屋工業大学 NITech Hall (名古屋市), 2017.10.
Hariyama T: "A Thin Polymer Membrane 'NanoSuit' Allows Living Organisms to Survive in the Harsh Conditions of Electron Microscopy", SPIE International Symposium on Smart Structures 2017, 2017.3., Portland (U.S.A.)
Sakaida K, Takaku Y, Kawasaki H, Shimomura M, Hariyama T: "A Modified "NanoSuit" Preserves Living Eukaryotic Cells in FE-SEM", 48th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry, 2017.3., Little Rock (U.S.A.)
Hariyama T: "Vision and the coloration in Arthropod 生物と光の色々な話-節足動物の視覚と体色を例にして", The 87th Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan (ZSJ): The 12th Pigment Cell Symposium: Color, Mind, and Behavior of Animals, 2016.11., Okinawa Convention Center
Hariyama T: "Biomimetic thin membrane, the NanoSuitR, helps organisms survive in high vacuum condition", RIKEN CLST Retreat 2016, 2016.11., 浜名湖ロイヤルホテル
Toyama M, Yamahama Y, Hariyama T: "A comparative study of the visual chromophores of Amphipods in several optical environments", The joint meeting of the 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th Zoological Society of Japan, 2016.11., Okinawa (Japan)
Yamahama Y, Toyama M, Ugolini A, Hariyama T: "The hook-shaped ommatidia of the compound eye of the sand-hopper Talitrus saltator", The joint meeting of the 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th Zoological Society of Japan, 2016,11., Okinawa (Japan)
Takaku Y, Shimomura M and Hariyama T: "The NanoSuitR method to observe the living mammalian tissue and cell", 5th Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS), 2016.10., Nagoya (Japan)
Yamahama Y, Shimozawa T, Yoshioka S, Ishii D, Fudouzi H, Kubo H, Shimomura M, Takaku Y, Kimura K, Uozu Y and Hariyama T: "The origin of colour of a petal: subcellular structural change during the flowerig from buds in a buttercup", 5th Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS), 2016.10., Nagoya (Japan)
Hariyama T: "The NanoSuit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum, seeks the new vison for the sustainable world", Asia NANO 2016 Asian Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016.10., Sapporo (Japan)
Haruko Matsumoto, Yasuharu Takaku, Masatsugu Shimomura, Takahiko Hariyama, "The combination of Nanosuit and EDS methods revealed the elements of biopolymer included in alive sample", 第65回高分子討論会, 2016.9., 神奈川大学横浜キャンパス
Takaku Y, Shimomura M and Hariyama T: "NanoSuitR" preserves hydrous organic samples in high vacuum, 9 International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology, 2016.1., Daejeon (Korea)
Hirakawa S, Takaku Y, Ishii D, Hariyama T: "EGFRi-induced skin adverse events assessed by the NanoSuitR", The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, 2015.10., 名古屋国際会議場(平川聡史, 高久康春, 石井大佑, 針山孝彦, ナノスーツ法: 分子標的薬による皮膚障害を評価する新たな診断技術, 第74回 日本癌学会学術総会, 名古屋国際会議場)
Hariyama T: "Biomimetic thin membrane, the NanoSuitR, enhancing surface shield effect for living organism in high vacuo.", Engineering Neo-biomimetics VI and Satellite Workshop at Lake Biwa", 2015.10., Kyoto (Japan)
Nakane C, Takaku Y, Shimomura M, Hariyama T: "The NanoSuitR method to observe the living mammalian tissue and cell.", Engineering Neo-biomimetics VI and Satellite Workshop at Lake Biwa", 2015.10., Kyoto (Japan)
Hariyama T, Ohta I, Hirakawa S, Kawasaki H, Suzuki H, Ishii D, Muranaka Y, Shimomura M, Takaku Y: "Dressing living organism by a thin polymer membrane, NanoSuit, for the FE-SEM observation", 日本顕微鏡学会第70回学術講演会, 2014.05., 幕張メッセ国際会議場
Hariyama T.: "NanoSuit, biomimetic ultra-thin polymer membrane, protects organism in high vacuum", Joint Workshop on Bio-inspired Engineering and Bio-supercomputing, Chiba (Japan), 2014.03.
Takaku Y.: "A Successful Surface Shield "Nano-suit" to Protect Living Organisms in a FE-SEM.", Joint international symposium on "Nature-inspired Technology (ISNIT) 2014" and "Engineering Neo-biomimetics V", Sapporo(Japan), 2014. 02.
Hariyama T.: "Nano-suits; Observation of living organisms in high vacuo using electron microscopes", 2nd Nagoya Biomimetics International Symposium (NaBIS), Nagoya (Japan) , 2013.11.
Hariyama T.: "Nano-suit enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum; biomimetic approaches", The 13th Hamamatsu-Kyungpook Joint Medical Symposium, 大邱(韓国), 2013.9.
Hariyama T.: "The origin of ultra-violet reflection of the petal of Ranunculus japonicus", International Symposium on "Neo-Biomimetic Engineering IV", Kobe (Japan), 2012.12.
Hariyama T: "Nano-spacesuit keeps animal's life in extreme condition", The 9th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2012), Kobe (Japan), 2012.12.
Hariyama T.: "Structural colors in beetles", 13th Chitose International Forum on Photonics Science &Technology "Biomimetics, Photonics Sensing and Networks", Chitose (Japan), 2012.10.
Hironaka M, Baba N, and Hariyama T: "Use of multiple compass references in path integration of the subsocial burrower bug, Adomerus rotundus.", 24th International Congress of Entomology, Daegu (Korea), 2012.8.
Takaku Y., Hwang J.S., Wolf A., Boettger A., Gojobori T., Hariyama T and David C.N.: "Innexin gap junctions coordinate contractile behaviour in hydra polyps.", International Workshop "Searching for Eve: basal metazoans and the evolution of multicellular complexity", 2011.9., Tutzing (Germany)
妹尾圭司: "Light induces lipid-raft-based molecular interactions in retinal disc membrane.",第8回国際比較生理生化学会議(8th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry 2011), 2011.5., Nagoya (JAPAN)
Hariyama T., Horiguchi H., Ishii D., Hirai Y., Yabu H., Shimomura M.:"Water uptake via legs in an Arthropod", International Symposium on Engineering Neo-Biomimetics -Toward Paradigm Shift for Innovation-, 2009 Oct. 1st to 2nd, Tokyo Odaiba JAPAN
Galanti G., Hariyama T., Ugolini A.:"Ultraviolet-blue range photoresponses using the compound eye of the sandhopper, Talitrus saltator (Crustacea Amphipoda)" Satellite Symposium on Biomimetic Surface Engineering ?Biomimetic Materials Design based on Biodiversity Inventory-, 2009 Oct 1st, Sapporo JAPAN
Hariyama T., Hironaka M. and Horiguchi H.:"Ultraviolet reception in the nocturnal firefly, Luciola cruciata" 4thAsia Oceania Conference on Photobiology, 2008 Nov. 24-26, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India
Hariyama T.:"Designed by Nature: Water Transport System of Ligia exotica" UK-Japan Workshop on Innovation Inspired by Nature: Paradigm Shift on Material Research (The 3rd IMCE Kyushu University-UK-IMRAM Tohoku University Joint Workshop), 2008年10月31日(金), 英国大使館, 東京
Hariyama T., Hironaka M., Horiguchi H. and Stavenga D. G.:"The role of structural colour in damselfly: Age dependent wing coloration and courtship behaviour of the damselfly Calopteryx japonica" The second international conference on invertebrate vision, 2008 Aug. 1-8, Baeckaskog Castle, Sweden
Hironaka M., Hariyama T.:"Canopy orientation in the nocturnal foraging excursion of the subsocial bug, Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae)" The Second International Conference on Invertebrate Vision, August 2008, Backaskog Castle, Sweden
Miyamoto H., Horiguchi H., Hariyama T., Matsumoto N., Yamagishi H.:"Directr Photoresponses of the Neurogenic Heart of the Isopod Crustacean Ligia exotica.", Comparative Physiology 2006 Integrating Diversity( 2006 APS Intersociety Conference), October 8-11 2006, Virginia, the United States of America
Hironaka M., Tojo S., Nomakuchi S., Filippi L., Horiguchi H., Hariyama T.:"Round-the-clock visual navigation of a subsocial shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis using path integration.", 3rd European congress on social insects, 22-27 August 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Hironaka M, Tojo S, Horiguchi H, Hariyama T:"A bug rambles in the outbound trip:the navigational strategy in the Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera:Cydnidae).", ⅩⅩⅡ International congress of entomology, 15-21 August 2004, Brisbane, Australia