-Elucidating pathological mechanism of human disorders through identification of disease causing mutations-
Recent advances in technology caused paradigm shift in genetic analysis, and many disease causing genes have been identified, which are great clues for elucidating pathological mechanism of human disorders. However, there are still few studies analyzing pathological mechanism caused by identified mutations. In our laboratory, we aim to elucidate pathological mechanism of human disorders through establishing cell and mice models by CRISPR/Cas9 system based on identified disease causing mutations. Our current focus is genetic and functional analysis of neurodevelopmental disorders.
〒431-3192 静岡県浜松市東区半田山一丁目20番1号
Tel: 053-435-2325, Fax: 053-435-2327
E-mail: hsaitsu* (*に@を入れてご使用ください)
Biochemistry Department,
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 1-20-1 Handayama, Higashi-ku
Hamamatsu 431-3192, Japan
Tel: +81-53-435-2325, Fax: +81-53-435-2327
E-mail: hsaitsu* (use @ instead of *)
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