

2016年 研究業績


Hosokawa S, Takahashi G, Baba S, Mineta H: Small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas arising in the head and neck region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 74 (5); 1091-1095, 2016.

Hosokawa S, Funai K, Sugiyama K, Takahashi G, Okamura J, Takizawa Y, Yamatodani T, Mineta H: Survival outcomes after surgical resection of pulmonary metastases of head and neck tumours. J Laryngol Otol 130(3); 291-295, 2016.

Endo S, Mizuta K, Takahashi G, Nakanishi H, Yamatodani T, Misawa K, Hosokawa S, Mineta H: The effect of ventilation tube insertion or trans-tympanic silicone plug insertion on a patulous Eustachian tube. Acta Otolaryngol 136(6):551-555, 2016.

Lopez IA, Ishiyama G, Hosokawa S, Hosokawa K, Acuna D, Linthicum F, Ishiyama A*: Immunhistochemical techniques for the human inner ear. Histochem Cell Biol 146(4); 367-387, 2016.

Endo S, Mizuta K*, Takahashi G, Nakanishi H, Yamatodani T, Misawa K, Hosokawa S, Mineta H:The effects of ventilation tube insertion or trans-tympanic silicone plug insertion on a patulous Eustachian tube. Acta Oto-Laryngologica; 136(6): 551-555, 2016.

Shinmura K*, Kato H, Kawanishi Y, Igarashi H, Goto M, Tao H, Inoue Y, Nakamura S, Misawa K, Mineta H and Sugimura H. Abnormal expressions of DNA glycosylase genes NEIL1, NEIL2, and NEIL3 are associated with somatic mutation loads in human cancer. Oxid Med Cell Longev.; 2016, 1546392

Booka E, Tsubosa Y, Niihara M, Takagi W, Takebayashi K, Shimada A, Kitani T, Nagaoka M, Imai A, Kamijo T, Iida Y, Onitsuka T, Nakagawa M, Takeuchi H, Kitagawa Y: Risk factors for complications after pharyngolaryngectomy with total esophagectomy. Esophagus; 13: 317-322. 2016.

Booka E, Kamijo T, Matsumoto T, Takeuchi M, Kitani T, Nagaoka M, Imai A, Iida Y, Shimada A, Takebayashi K, Niihara M, Mori K, Onitsuka T, Tsubosa Y, Takeuchi H, Kitagawa Y : Incidence and risk factors for postoperative delirium after major head and neck cancer surgery. J Craniomaxillofac Surg; 44: 890-894. 2016.


Wester JL, Merna C, Peng KA, Lewis R, Sepahdari AR, Ishiyama G, Hosokawa K, Kumakawa K, Ishiyama A: Facial nerve stimulation following cochlear implantation for X-linked stapes gusher syndrome leading to identification of a novel POU3F4 mutation. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 91; 121-123, 2016.

Izumi C, Misawa K*, Endo S, Sugiyama K, Mochizuki D, Imai A, Mima M, Yamatodani T, Mineta H: Late recurrence of breast carcinoma metastasis to the hypopharynx: a case report. SpringerPlus; 5: 599, 2016.

Misawa K, Kawasaki H, Matsuo R, Sugiyama K, Mochizuki D, Endo S, Imai A, Misawa Y, Yamatodani T, Mizuta K, Mineta H.: Human papillomavirus-associated small cell carcinoma/neuroendocrine carcinoma of the oropharynx: A report of two cases. SpringerPlus, 5(1): 1847, 2016.


小西 憲太、神谷 実佳、小松 哲也、山下 修平、伊東 洋平、小杉 崇、鈴木 一徳、岡村 純、細川 誠二、峯田 周幸、阪原 晴海、中村 和正:上顎洞癌に対する動注化学療法併用放射線療法の治療成績. 臨床放射線618(13): 1787-1792, 2016.


大和谷 崇, 石川 竜司, 瀧澤 義徳, 三澤 清, 水田 邦博, 峯田 周幸: 外耳道癌術後感染に対して有茎側頭筋弁が有用であった一例.耳鼻咽喉科臨床(0032-6313)109巻2号 Page89-94. 2016.

中西啓, 水田邦博, 遠藤志織,細川久美子,大和谷崇,峯田周幸: 残存上皮が外表化して治癒した先天性鼓膜真珠腫例.耳鼻臨床 32: 403-406, 2016.


細川誠二: 疾患と病態生理/Frey症候群, first bite syndrome. JOHNS32(8); 1045-1047, 2016.

三澤清,峯田周幸: HPV陽性癌と陰性癌の環境因子と宿主因子の違いは?JOHNS; 32(3): 284-286, 2016

石川竜司:アレルギー性鼻炎-新たな研究と治療の展開 アレルギー性鼻炎治療の新たな展開 併用療法のエビデンス. JOHNS 32(6); 729-732, 2016.

中西啓, 水田邦博: 鼓膜炎.JOHNS 32; 123-126, 2016.

中西啓, 水田邦博, 峯田周幸: 高齢者における耳管開放症例.JOHNS 32; 403-406, 2016.

中西啓, 兼子恵美, 水田邦: 診療所における高齢者の栄養補給・補液. ENTONI 190; 59-67, 2016.