We work on surgical treatment for various cardiovascular disease. Outsatnding operative results have been achieved in aortic disease, from thoracic aorta (ascending/arch/descending aorta)/thoracoabdominal aorta to abdominal aorta. We've introduced new endovascular treatments, (e.g. stentgraft or trascatheter aortic valve implantation), and selected the most suitable treatment for an individual patient. We've also performed hybrid treatments that combined conventional open surgery and endovascular therapy, and kept in mind not to be biased toward open surgery or endovascular treatment.
For ischemic cardiac myopathy, we've worked on surgical ventricular restoration with CABG in selected patients and repair of ischemic mitral regurgitation.
In heart valve disease, we've tackled aortic valve repair with or without root replacement. We believe that patients' QOL is improved if own valve is repaired or preserved not only in the mitral position but also in the aortic one.
We started robot-assisted thoracic surgery for lung malignancies and mediastinal tumors in 2017, and we perform the most robot-assisted thoracic surgery in Shizuoka Prefecture.
We are preparing Risk-Reducing Prophylactic mastectomy for women with Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC).
We started the newest procedure for abdominal incisional hernia surgery, that is usually combined two techniques: eTEP (extended totally extraperitoneal approach) and TAR (tansversus abdominis muscle release). This procedure needs advanced technique for laparoscopic surgery because lots of hand suturing demanded to complete it.