
Educational Activities

Cardio-Vascular Surgery

We conduct simulation training of cardiac surgery using pig heart, dry laboratory machine and so on for young surgeons periodically. Young surgeons are able to receive surgical training including off-the-job training as mentioned above to become Japanese Board Certified Cardiovascular Surgeon.

Thoracic Surgery

We conduct bronchoscopy simulation for medical students. In addition, a wet lab is held twice a year for 6th year medical students and clinical resident.

Breast Surgery

We conduct core needle biopsy (CNB) training with phantom for students during practical training.

General Surgery & Endoscopic Surgery

We conduct laparoscopic simulation training using dry boxes for medical students to experience laparoscopic suture and ligation. For young surgeons aiming for gastroenterological surgery, we are working with collaborated hospitals to get the technical certification of the Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery.