We provide a variety of support in terms of educational assistance and welfare for international students coming to our university.
We help students with various procedures before entering Japan and provide scholarships for self-financed students and Japanese language education. We always strive to improve the living environment to ensure a comfortable life such as by partially renovating a dormitory.
To nurture medical professionals who can act from an international perspective, we are strengthening English language skills through online medical English group learning, open to all medical science students. We also hold an English Café co-hosted with student clubs during lunch breaks to provide an English environment for international students and students to understand each other's culture and improve their English communication skills through free talks in English.
We promote exchange programs for undergraduate students through inter-university academic exchange agreements, join the Sakura Science Program project that invites high school students from Asia to experience science and technology, and support overseas university students when they visit our university.
Distinctive Projects
Activities to strengthen students' English language skills
Group Study of Medical English
We offer weekly online medical English group study sessions for open to all of medical students, utilizing study modules for the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) preparation, except during the summer vacation period.
Co-hosting the English Café
The English Café is intended to deepen friendship among international students, students and faculty through free talks in English, to understand each other's culture, and to improve English communication skills. The International Center co-hosts this event with the student circle. The English Café is scheduled to be held during lunch break more than six times a year.
Creating a Technical Term vocabulary list for medical English
In an initiative to improve students' acquisition of medical English, we have created a technical term vocabulary list to clearly identify terms to be studied, which is available on our website.