It is required to obtain permission for activities outside the status when international students work part-time
in Japan except for TA/RA. With permission, part-time job up to 28 hours per week will be allowed.
Those who already obtained permission have approved seal on the back of residence card.
In order to obtain permission for activities outside the status, international students need to apply for that at
the Immigration Office.
The university also has to grasp international students' activities outside the status,
therefore we would like to ask for submission of part-time job registration form.
Those who already have a part-time job or will start or change or leave the job, please fill
the job description in the attached form. After obtaining supervisor's confirmation,
submit it to the International Office, Student Affairs Division.
Malicious concealment of employment status may lead to cancellation of scholarship payments.
【Job description】
Part-time Job Registration.xls