About us

Preeminent Research Supports

Depertment Head  Professor IWASHITA Toshihide

 The Division of Preeminent Research Supports consists of the Advanced Research Facilities and Services (1 professor (concurrent), 1 associate professor), the Laboratory Animal Facilities & Services (1 professor (concurrent), 1 associate professor), and the Cancer Biobank Office (1 professor (concurrent)). The role of this division is to promote research efficiency and development by facilitating the shared use and integration of educational research facilities. A total of 18 technical staff members (as of April 1, 2024) with specialized knowledge and skills support the educational and research activities of the university.

Advanced Research Facilities and Services Click here for more details

Chairperson  Professor IWASHITA Toshihide

toshihide iwashita

Laboratory Animal Facilities & Services Click here for more details

Chairperson  Professor SATO Koji


Cancer Biobank Office

Head  Professor SHIMMURA Kazuya