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Video interviews with international students at HUSM

With the cooperation of some of the international students enrolled in the Graduate School of Medicine, Doctoral Degree program and School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at HUSM as of June 2023, the International Center has recorded interview videos and uploaded them to "International Center website". Students from China, Bangladesh, Vietnam and South Korea participated in the interviews.

The interviews were conducted in English, and this time was the first face to face interview since we started "International Student Interview" in 2021.

We hope you will enjoy watching them.

The content is as follows.

  • Please introduce yourself.
  • Why did you choose HUSM?
  • Why did you choose your department and what is your research on? *Graduate students only
  • How are things going in the lab? *Graduate students only
  • How do you find living in Hamamatsu? (Housing, daily life, culture etc.)
  • What are your future plans?
  • Do you have any advice or comments for students who are thinking about applying to HUSM?