Voice from Alumni
Felix Manirakiza

Senior Lecturer, University of Rwanda
Felix Manirakiza, MD,PhD
A Journey from Rwanda to Japan: Life at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
My name is Felix MANIRAKIZA. I am from Rwanda (Africa). Let me share with you my wonderful life at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (HUSM). I arrived in Japan on October 1, 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, knowing only the one Japanese word (Sayonara= Goodbye!). Fortunately, I found Japan to be a country where an international student can live peacefully and successfully. This was possible thanks to the good attitude of the Japanese people who were always willing to help me realize my dream of succeeding in research and education. Especially at HUSM, everyone I met contributed to the achievement of my goal. My integration into everyday life was facilitated by the staff of the International Center, researchers, and colleagues in the Department of Tumor Pathology. In particular, during my first year, I was assigned a student who helped me to find nearby shops, recreational facilities, etc. The research labs were of exceptional technology and the entire learning process was planned and coordinated. During my stay at HUSM I was able to attend and do presentation at international professional meetings. I also appreciate the efforts of the university to help international students for their immersion in Japanese culture: This was done through visits to various tourist sites in different prefectures of Japan. I also commend the variety of Japanese cuisine! All aspects of Japanese life were the best.
私の名前はFelix MANIRAKIZAです。 アフリカのルワンダ出身です。浜松医科大学での素晴らしい生活を紹介いたします。2019年10月1日、私は医学博士号を取得するため日本に降り立ちました。当初私の知る日本語は、唯一「サヨナラ!」でした。幸いなことに、日本は留学生が平和で生活しやすい国だと思いました。これは、研究と教育で成功するという私の夢を実現するために、いつも積極的に支援してくださった、日本の皆様のご尽力によるものです。特に浜松医科大学では、出会ったすべての人が私の目標達成のため力を貸してくださいました。私が日常生活に溶け込めたのは、国際化推進センターのスタッフや研究者の方々、そして腫瘍病理学講座の同僚のおかげです。特に1年目には、私のアテンド担当の学生に近くのお店やレクリエーション施設を探す等、生活全般をサポートしていただきました。浜松医科大学の研究室は、卓越した技術を有し、研究プロセス全体が計画され整えられていました。留学中、私は国際的な専門家会議に出席し、プレゼンテーションを行うことができました。また、大学のご助力で留学生が日本の文化を体験するために日本の様々な観光地を訪問することができました。またバラエティー豊かな日本食は称賛に値します!あらゆる面において、日本の生活は最高でした。
My position and work in Rwanda
Since everything was well organized, I was able to complete my PhD in just 4 years! After that, I returned to my home country to share my experience and acquired technical and scientific knowledge with the Rwandan population. Upon arriving in Rwanda, I joined the University of Rwanda (the largest in the country) as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine and Pharmacy. In this school I teach various courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. I also serve as a consultant pathologist for the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali where I am involved in the diagnosis of various diseases including cancer, infections, etc. In addition, I am involved in research with special attention to molecular pathology.
In June 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in a book donation event where the Japanese Embassy in Rwanda donated some books to the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Rwanda. During this event, I was able to share my experience of living and studying in Japan with a large audience and at the end of this event, I was approached by many students who would like to have more information about studying abroad in Japan. I feel like an ambassador between HUSM and my country.
I cannot conclude without mentioning that my family was happy and enthusiastic to welcome me back after a long-awaited success in my studies. I take this opportunity to thank again the Japanese people and my family members who supported and encouraged me during this memorable period of my life.

University Teaching Hospital of Kigaliの病理学研究室にて(2024年7月28日)
留学生活は順調で、私はわずか4年で博士号を取得することができました!その後ルワンダの人々に自分の経験と習得した技術的・科学的知識を伝えるため、私は母国に戻りました。帰国後、私は国内最大のルワンダ大学で、医薬学部の上級講師として着任しました。この大学で、私は学部と大学院の様々な科目を教えています。また、ルワンダ大学の附属病院の一つであるUniversity Teaching Hospital of Kigaliの顧問病理医として、がんや感染症などさまざまな病気の診断にも携わっています。また、分子病理学を中心とした研究にも携わっています。
最後に、念願の学業での成功を収めた私の帰りを、家族が喜んで熱烈に迎えてくれたことをお伝えし締めくくりたいと思います。 この場をお借りし、私の人生の記念すべき期間に私を支え、励ましてくれた日本の皆様と私の家族に改めて感謝申し上げます。

図書を寄贈するイベント "CMHS-Rwanda" にて 日本での生活、経験を伝えた(2024年6月)