Alumni Network
Voice from Alumni
Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Halim
Principal of Kumudini Women's Medical College
Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Head of the Department of Reproductive and Child Health, CIPRB
Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Halim
A Journey from Bangladesh to Japan: Excellence in Research and Life in Japan
I was a medical graduate from Bangladesh landed at Nagoya International Airport on 12th October 1991; first visit to Japan with an aspiration of doing research on Preeclampsia, a killer disease in pregnancy globally including Bangladesh with unknown etiology. After passing immigration, I met Professor Dr. Toshihiko Terao, chairman of OBGY, HUSM who was waiting with a placard of my name, "Dr. Abdul Halim, Bangladesh" in his hand at Nagoya Airport to receive me. I was surprised and his simplicity touched my heart, felt respectful to Japan & Japanese. I felt at home, as if my guardian and supervisor of my future study was with me.I joined HUSM on 14th October 1991, was welcomed and introduced at the department of Obstetrics- Gynecology. I started a journey through learning and research in the university: laboratory, OPD, clinical wards and animal experiment house, being supported by a group of experts. I was fortunate to have Dr. Naohiro Kanayama, Assistant Prof at the department that time, as research mentor. We started research slow and steadily. We two spent most of the time together for new ideas and work through research and paper publications.
Beside research, the life was excellent being supported by other colleagues in HUSM, Sumimoto sensei for everyday life/fishing news, Asahina sensei for taking me watch soccer match (a supporter of Jubilo Iwata), Kobayashi Takao sensei for teaching me Ovarian onco-surgery. It would take endless words to express my gratitude and thankfulness to all supporting staff and professors of the department. My colleagues at HUSM made life most worthy and yielding. At the end of a satisfying worktime from 1991 to 1996 in HUSM with about 34 articles published, I received my PhD award in March 1996.
1991年10月12日に名古屋空港に降り立った当時の私はバングラデシュの医学部卒業生でした。バングラデシュを含め世界的に周産期の死亡原因となっている病因不明の疾病「妊娠高血圧腎症」の研究をしたいという思いから初めて日本を訪れました。入国審査を過ぎると、浜松医科大学産婦人科学講座の長であった寺尾俊彦教授が、私の名前「Dr. Abdul Halim, Bangladesh」のプラカードを手にして、私を迎えてくれました。私は驚き、教授の気さくさに感動し、日本と日本人への敬意を感じました。私は、保護者であり今後の研究の指導教員が一緒にいてくれるような安心感を覚えました。
Life in Japan: My experience
My wife and cute daughter joined me on February 1992, to complete a total experience of Japanese life at Hamamatsu. My daughter Urmi chan entered Hatsuoi Yochien of the locality, started her life in another span of happiness and learning Japanese culture. We as parent joined her in several events - like school sports, cultural events, hanabi, Hamamatsu matsuri, kite festival at Nakatajima beach. I also cannot forget shinnenkai, bounenkai and a number of sports and tour events organized by my daughter's school or HUSM or my colleagues of the department OBGY.
It is impossible to describe all those treasured memories but only can say: time at Japan was my best time with study and life enjoyment - which gave me strength to become an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, professor, and principal of a medical college besides being a researcher in subject of maternal and neonatal health. Most exciting part was that my daughter Dr. Jeenat Ferdous Urmi joined the same OBGY department to have a PhD and also my son in law Dr. Prottoy Hasan joined the department of cardiology HUSM for studying PhD.
We from two generations are now PhD from HUSM. Thank you so much to all concern, for support and being with us for a sweet memory.
これらの貴重な思い出を全て語り尽くすことはできませんが、ただ言えることは、日本で過ごした時間は学びと人生の楽しみが詰まった最高の時間だったということです。この経験が、母子保健分野の研究者としてだけでなく、産婦人科医、教授、そして医科大学の学長となる力となりました。最も嬉しかったことは、娘のJeenat Ferdous Urmiが同じ浜松医科大学の産婦人科学講座で博士号を取得したことと、義理の息子であるProttoy Hasanが同じく浜松医科大学の内科学第三講座(循環器内科学分野)で博士号を取得したことです。私たちは2世代に渡って浜松医科大学で博士号を取得しています。サポートしてくださった方々、一緒に良い思い出を作ってくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。
My position and work in Bangladesh
After return to Bangladesh, I have been working as obstetrician and gynecologist in various medical colleges in Bangladesh. Since 2011, I am working as Principal of Kumudini Women's Medical College, Bangladesh that deals 155 students per year to study undergraduate courses in medicine (MBBS) and dentistry (BDS). I also work as an obstetrician-gynecologist and Head of OBGY department.
In addition, I work in one research based organization (CIPRB) to conduct researches and programs in maternal, neonatal and reproductive health across the country. I also work with the government, and UN organizations for development of national policy and strategies in reproductive and child health.
また、研究機関Centre for Injury Prevention and Research (CIPRB)に所属し、国内の母子保健に関する研究やプログラムを実施しています。政府や国連機関とも協力して、生殖と子どもの健康に関する国家政策や方策の発展に尽力しています。