English Book
- 19. Eiji Sugiyama and Mitsutoshi Setou.
Visualization of Brain Gangliosides Using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Gangliosides:Methods and
Protocols,Methods in Molecular Biology, vol.1804, 223-229.
- 18. Mori Y, Konno A, Setou M, Ikegami K.
Mass Spectrometric Detection of Detyrosination and Polyglutamylation on the C-Terminal Region
of Brain Tubulin.
- 17. Yao I, Romero-Perez GA, Nicolaescu D, Setou M.
Lipid Machinery Investigation Using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry.
Bioactive Lipid
Mediators Current Reviews and Protocols. 2015;371-391. doi:10.1007/978-4-431-55669-5.
- 16. Waki M, Sugiyama E, Kondo T, Sano K, Setou M.
Nanoparticle-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization for Metabolite Imaging.
Methods Mol Biol. in press.
- 15.Eriksson C, Masaki N, Yao I, Hayasaka T, Setou M.
MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrmetry -A Mini Review of Methods and Recent
Advances in Mass Spectrometry. 2013;19:231-240.
- 14.Sugiura Y, Yao I, Setou M.
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) for biological application.
HANDBOOK 2012;41-83.
- 13.Shrivas K, Setou M.
Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Sample Preparation, Instrumentation, and
Advances in IMAGING and ELECTRON PHYSICS. 2012;171:145-193.
- 12.Hameed S,Sugiura Y, Kimura Y, Shrivas K, Setou M.
Nanoparticle-assisted Laser Desorption/ionization [nano-PALDI]-based Imaging Mass
Spectrometry [IMS] and its Application to Brain Science.
Nanomedicine and the
Norvous System. 2012;97-118.
- 11.Sugiura Y, Setou M.
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization and Nanoparticle-Based Imaging Mass
Spectrometry for Small Metabolites: A Practical Protocol.
Methods Mol Biol.
- 10.Goto-Inoue N, Hayasaka T, Setou M.
Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Glycolipids.
Methods Enzymol. 2010;478:287-301.
- 9.Shrivas K, Hayasaka T, Setou M.
Mass Microscope for MALDI molecular Imaging in Biological Tissue Sections.
Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education. 2010 Dec;2:1008-16.
- 8.Hayasaka T, Naito T, Setou M.
Photobiology: Principles, Applications and Effects "Application of imaging mass
spectrometry to photobiology"
Nova Science. 2010 Aug;243-250.
- 7.Setou M. Ed.
Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Protocols for Mass Microscopy.
Springer, Tokyo.
- 6.Taki T, Gonzalez TV, Goto-Inoue N, Hayasaka T, Setou M.
TLC Blot (Far-Eastern Blot) and Its Applications.
Methods Mol Biol.
- 5.Taira S, Moritake S, Hatanaka T, Ichiyanagi Y, Setou M.
Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as an in vivo delivery system.
Mol Biol. 2009;544:571-87.
- 4.KimuraY, Sugiura Y, Hayasaka T, Setou M.
Visualizing the spatial distribution of biomolecules in C. elegans by imaging mass
Worm Breeder's Gazette. 2009 Dec.;18(1): 4.
- 3.Yao I, Ageta H, Setou M.
Chapter 8. Role of synapse-localized E3 ubiquitin ligase in regulating neural
Di Napoli M, and Wojcik C. Eds: The ubiquitin proteasome system
in nervous system: from physiology to pathology - 2008 update.
Research Trends Binding: Online Book NOVA Science Publishers 2009.
- 2.Setou M, Ageta H, Sugiura Y, Shimma S.
Towards the mass microscopic analysis of human brain: Expectation to the expansion of
brain bank.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2007;61: S21.
- 1.Kaga K, Watanabe K, Setou M, Tsuzuku T.
Delayed and acquired motor development of children with congenitalhypogenesis of
semicircular canals on both ears.
Vertigo, nausea, tinnitis and hearing loss
in central and peripheral vestibular diseases.
Elsevier Science B.V.